Surrey Learn


I have recommended that this course should be attended by more officers at my level in the organisation to gain an understanding of the wider context and budget pressures facing Local Government and to understand how their financial decision making impacts the wider budget.

Finance for Non-Financial Managers - Online
5 February 2025

It was very useful, exceeded what I was expecting to learn and very engaging. I now feel more confident in setting boundaries.

Setting Boundaries Workshop - Online
30 January 2025

This course was absolutely brilliant. I have used the info learned to make changed to my nutrition and lifestyle that in turn has had an impact on my work. I have shared useful bits of information with my team members too.

Menopause, Nutrition and Psychological Impact of - Online
15 January 2025

The content we covered has really helped me to see how I can do things differently. I really enjoyed this course and it gave me confidence to know I am doing some things right but also where I felt I needed to improve I have more knowledge on how to do that. Thank you to Sue for the course, it was really good and I took a lot away from it. I have encouraged others to book onto it!

MDP for New Managers - Modules 1, 2, 3 and half-day Action Learning Set - Online and/or Classroom
18 July - 28 November 2024

As a new manager I highly recommend this course, the trainer was articular, highly knowledgeable and supportive. The group discussions and role play increased my confidence enabling me to put theory to practice. Thank you Sue!

MDP for New Managers - Modules 1, 2, 3 and half-day Action Learning Set - Online and/or Classroom
18 July - 28 November 2024

This course really helped build my confidence with regards to presenting / speaking out loud as well as producing and well written power point. Thank you very much to Pete - he was Fantastic!! Really enjoyed the two sessions.

Presentations, Giving Effective - Online
5 & 12 November 2024

The training was fab. The trainer was brilliant, really knowledgeable and genuinely wanted to ensure the course was what attendees wanted. The trainer created a real sense of psychological safety which is so important in something like giving presentations training and I felt so comfortable giving things a try (and failing) without judgement.

Presentations, Giving Effective - Online
5 & 12 November 2024

I wanted to learn some tips on how to say no in a polite way and also how to deal with people not responding to my emails/chasers or not carrying out tasks they've agreed to do by a specific time, especially those more senior to me. This course did give me the tips to use that I was looking for.

Assertive Approach, Developing an
6 November 2024

It provided me with tools on how to deal with stress when there is a lot of change going on in day to day life. It also encouraged me to come up with an action plan to start building resilience which will be beneficial for my work and home life.

Building Personal Resilience - Online
16 October 2024

It made me more aware of non visible disabilities, managing assumptions , inclusive environments and reasonable adjustments.

Disability Awareness - Online
4 September 2024

I learnt so much about myself and what areas i need to concentrate on. Excellent course and trainer who engaged everyone.

Leading Your Team - Online
11 September 2024

...examples and peoples experiences on reasonable adjustments gave me the confidence to think about all needs not just the individual needing the reasonable adjustment

Neurodiversity in the Workplace, Introduction to - Online
6 August 2024

Getting the 'tough' jobs out of the way first, rather than leaving for later - makes a huge different. Prioritising and identifying when I am more productive and utilising that time effectively, taking breaks to avoid burn-out and dissatisfaction.

Time and Priorities, Managing myself for staff - Online
25 July 2024

An understanding of project management skills and techniques. I am new to the formal process of project management but I feel I learned so much just from this course. Absolutely brilliant training. I really enjoyed it and have learned so much. I would recommend to my colleagues and Clive was such a brilliant and inspiring teacher.

Project Management - Online
4 July 2024 – 11 July 2024

This was a good length course as it could easily slot into the working day but it was packed with information. It provided the tools to be able to deal with these difficult situations in a work environment.

Active Bystander - Online
22 May 2024

The knowledge imparted has been immediately applicable to my job, particularly in the areas of empathetic communication and stress management. The practical strategies taught for supporting mental well-being in the workplace have been invaluable, and I’ve already noticed a positive impact in my interactions with colleagues and clients

Understanding Mental Health - Online
16 May 2024

The course was very well presented, very informative and lots of interaction breaking out into groups and listening to each others stories, situations.

Assertive Approach, Developing an - Online
15 May 2024

This was one of the best Management courses I have attended in a while. Sue was absolutely brilliant, full of knowledge and always had a solution to any issues raised within the group. It was nice to have like minded people within the course, we all bounced ideas from one another and there was a lot of interaction, evolvement within the team. I especially liked the way the course was spaced out, allowing us to implement what we had learned during the exercises and then returning to discuss this at the next module. I would definitely recommend this course to other managers.

MDP for New Managers - Modules 1, 2, 3 and half-day Action Learning Set - Online and/or Classroom
10 January 2024 – 19 April 2024

1....thought-provoking and memorable. Good, practical trainer. More valuable delivery than others. Thoughtful. Engaging. Good simple exercises.

2. The course had opened my mind to new ideas and concepts and made me re-evaluate the ways in which I interact and conduct my work and also my personal relationships. I am already employing the new strategies in my everyday life and work.

Psychology at Work - Online
21 March 2024

I am now fully confident about my responsibilities regarding lone working and some great hacks should I find myself in a difficult or dangerous situation. A greater awareness of both mine and colleagues safety.

Lone Worker Safety - Online
7 March 2024

The course made me think like a manager and made me realise a lot of skills I already possess which I previously would not have considered as managerial skills while going to an interview. The course has made me more confident for any upcoming job interviews.

Aspiring Manager - Online
29 February 2024 – 4 March 2024

1. I would thoroughly recommend this course as it was an all round confidential experience that allowed you to focus on oneself and how you can bring more to your workplace, colleagues and work with others.

2. Thank you so much Sue - a life changing course! Highly recommended

Women's Development Programme - Online
8 February 2024 – 14 May 2024

The course gave me time to really think about when we are carrying out our busy day, are we seeing all that is around us. It identified behaviours to be aware of in our day to day life. ...[it] was set at a good level for our role in customer services. The videos although quite hard hitting really got the message across.

Safeguarding Children, Adults and Domestic Abuse - Online
20 November 2023 – 23 November 2023

It went above and beyond what I expected, I can apply lots of what I learned not only to my work life but my personal life too. A big thank you to Debbie who was extremely likeable, brilliantly engaging, and knowledgeable.

Persuading and Influencing Skills - Online
15 November 2023

An up to date awareness of equality, diversity and inclusion and how it can apply to my specific role. Also served as a refresher of the importance, and the equality act 2010. Great trainer - she was very engaging and I loved the anecdotes which bought the content to life.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - Online
24 October 2023

I now have knowledge on the techniques used in mentoring and the differences between mentoring and training someone. The trainer, Sue Noble, was excellent, she was well experienced in the topic, had a good level of interactive tasks and adjusted the training to the attendees needs and what we wanted to take away from the session.

Mentoring - How to be a great mentor - Online
19 October 2023

It filled me with confidence and understanding on the role of a manager. We had a lovely group of people and it was really interesting to meet different people from different authorities and hear their experiences.

Aspiring Manager - Online
16 & 17 October 2023

I have taken away some ideas to help me use my time in a way that will be more productive. Planning at the end of each day for the following day. Having a list of three things, must do, should do and could do.

Time and Priorities, Managing myself for staff - Online
11 October 2023

It gave me a better understanding of different strategies on how to diffuse a contentious call.

Telephone Aggression, Managing - Online
10 October 2023

Gave me a good understanding of considerations that need to be made when delivering a training session. Being aware of the varying learning styles of individuals in order to account for everyone.

Train the Trainer - Online
4 & 6 October 2023

It has helped me a lot with setting up appointments, creating the agenda for it and also taking the minutes. Since the training I have had positive feedback on the meeting minutes I have taken and agendas I have created.

Minutes and Meetings & Speed Writing - Online
28 September 2023

[covered] all aspects of form of communications, relevant to my role.
...very comprehensive and covering all types of communications and aspects of how better to understand and respond/react.

Communication Skills, Effective - Online
26 September 2023

It helped me to identify signs to look out for and ways that this can be reported. I thought it was very interesting course. The fact that the trainer was able to inject life experiences into the course also made the course interesting. Thank you

Safeguarding Children, Adults and Domestic Abuse - Online
25 & 28 September 2023

1. It gave me a vocabulary to form a basis of new ways of approaching my mental health and negative thinking patterns, some of which I have been able to already directly apply to my life. I think this course would be beneficial to all, but as it was shared across authorities, we met a broad range of likeminded people.

2. ..thought provoking ways to build new brain habits. The content and pace was perfect for 4 hours training

Resilience and Wellbeing - Online
21 September 2023

New skills; greater understanding of my 'drivers' and how/why I need to control these and 'put work back in its box' and not let it dominate my life! An excellent course I will be recommending to colleagues and my team managers.

Setting Boundaries Workshop - Online
13 September 2023

It showed me how I work at present and how I could adapt that way to be more rounded. It taught me how to look at myself and how I work before possibly going for an internal advancement.

Personal Development Workshop - Online
7 September 2023

How to summarise and identify the main points for the readers to engage with. Really great trainer, interesting and helpful with constructive feedback.

Report Writing - Online
20 July 2023

1) left me wanting to learn a lot more about the subject and practical steps I can take to make the necessary change. I have a better level of awareness of essential work we must undertake to meet Climate change targets.

2) Rick, the trainer was really engaging. There was a great balance between content, discussion and explanation. I thought the presentation itself was great as well, explained a sometimes complicated topic very easily.

Climate Change Fundamentals - Online
13 July 2023

I gained understanding of a couple of analysis techniques that were new to me. Overall the course reaffirmed my existing ideas and understanding of change management. The course was delivered well, and contained good and useful content. The ideas and techniques mirrored my existing knowledge and understanding of change management. The other course attendees were all pleasant to engage with.

Change Management - Online
22 June 2023

It served partly as a refresher tool as well as a learning tool. It was useful to learn techniques to to understand and interact with my colleagues more effectively, as well as to express myself appropriately at work. It was useful to gain an understanding of how others view and deal with these issues. It is good to know that you are not the only one with room to grow in this area.

Emotional Intelligence, Understanding - Online
22 June 2023

I wanted to confirm some of our practises, build confidence that I was working well and efficiently and pick up any new tips that would benefit the team. I think the course did this well and I have come away feeling that we do this quite well, but that there are occasions when I would benefit from blocking out time to complete particular tasks away from interruptions from colleagues.

Administration Skills, Introduction to - Online
31 March 2023

1) Got some really useful strategies for dealing with pressure and some great prompts for use when saying 'no'. Prioritisation of tasks to ensure important-urgent category doesn't get overloaded and and other less urgent-important tasks are categorised appropriately.

2) It gave me some useful ideas around managing my time better and permission to question if all requests of my time are reasonable, and how to raise concerns if things are becoming unmanageable.

Setting Boundaries Workshop - Online
22 February 2023

1) Taught me a lot about financial stability and making smart decisions in regard to spending & saving. Better understanding of financial situations that people could be faced with, like debt for example.

2) So much helpful information regarding a huge subject! An excellent overview of what to think about / what advice is on offer. I plan to download and make use of the budget planner from Kith & Kiln Wellbeing. Have already put into practice the tips Sean gave us e.g. be honest, use bank statements, do I spend more than I earn etc. Very enlightening!

Making the Most of Your Money & Cost of Living - Online
2 February 2023

1) I have changed my writing style to use shorter sentences and fewer words, not to justify paragraphs, and not to use long lists of bullet points but use numbering instead. Craig McGregor was an excellent trainer who involved all of the trainees and made the course content applicable to everyone.

2) It was very helpful that the course leader took everyone's direct responsibilities/requirements into consideration and tailored the course around this. It was nice to generally brush up on optimal written communication.

Better Business Writing - Online
19 January 2023

Very interactive and kept everyone engaged. Sue also gave some very good ideas on how to deal with specific dilemmas. Thinking about how I can amend my management style to deal with challenges more effectively.

Management Dilemmas - Online
13 January 2023

1. Inspired confidence and assertiveness around using language kindly and fairly about ourselves and others.
2. Really good course, and very engaging training. Really enjoyed this.

Inclusive Language – Online
3 November 2022