Safeguarding Children, Adults and Domestic Abuse - Online
Recognising and responding to concerns about child abuse, adult abuse and domestic abuse.
Communication Skills, Personal Effectiveness, Work Processes
All staff.
Before attending, you should have completed the Surrey Learn e-learning module ‘Safeguarding Children and Adults’ (or equivalent within your authority).
2 x 3 hours online over 2 days
Delegate rate
Approximately £100 per delegate. Charges depend on how many book.
The 2 sessions will be participative and will use case studies to help participant learning, with opportunities to share views and ask questions.
- understand your responsibilities to safeguard children and adults and why
- describe the different types, signs and indicators of child and adult abuse, including the signs and indicators of domestic abuse
- be aware of the impact of abuse and neglect on children and adults
- be confident that you know how to recognise and respond to concerns about a child or adult
- know what to do in an emergency and what to do when it isn’t
- understand the importance of lawful information sharing
- be confident in knowing how and where to seek advice and / or report a concern
- understand what your policies and procedures require of you.