Surrey Learn

Coach-Mentor, Manager as - Online


Management Development


Managing Performance


This training is the next level for those who have previously attended a course covering the essentials of management and leadership. This underpinning knowledge and understanding of what management and leadership is and is not, will help delegates to fully engage from the start of this coaching skills training. 

  • Anyone who is managing or leading a team
  • New and experienced managers looking to update and or refresh their skills
  • Non managers who are looking for a collaborative style of communication with stakeholders.


1 day

Delegate rate

Approximately £100 per delegate. Charges depend on how many book.

The aim of this one day virtual training is to equip managers and team leaders with the essential skills, confidence and competence in how to use the principles of coaching and mentoring their teams. The outcome of this training will be managers and team leaders who have an understanding of how to manage day-to-day situations in a practical and adult way.

By the end of one day course managers will: 

  • Know the difference between coaching and mentoring and when to use
  • Know how to manage and lead their teams using a coaching and mentoring style and approach
  • Learn the art of listening to gather information and to ask incisive questions
  • Know how to ask incisive questions to help stretch the thinking of others
  • Know how to structure coaching conversations to focus on goals and outcomes

Managers face numerous challenges in their role. Trying to juggle the operational elements of their work and managing a hybrid team whilst attempting to develop themselves as strategic thinkers are just some examples. These challenges often clash with organisational needs and as a result, and usually due to stress, managers find themselves telling people what to do and giving advice when it’s not needed or wanted by the individual. This usually comes over as a parental style and approach. Resistance and lack of engagement usually follows.

The answer to this problem is to demonstrate an alternative way of communicating which is collaborative, adult in its approach and will ultimately give people the chance to think for themselves and make decisions, with the support of the manager.  Research tells us that autonomy is one of the greatest motivators for most people and will ultimately lead to engaged, high performing and mature teams, thus making the role of managing a team less stressful and more productive.  

  • Your experience of being coached and coaching others
  • What management coaching and mentoring is and is not
  • The role, purpose and responsibilities of a manager and leader using coach-mentor
  • Understanding the barriers to coaching and being coached
  • Attributes and qualities of a manager using the principles of coaching and mentoring with their teams  
  • The skills and competence to be an effective leader using coaching and mentoring
  • Practising essentials communication skills including building rapport, high level listening, open and incisive questions, asking not telling, being curious
  • Structuring your coaching conversations (including contracting and agreeing the session)


13 May 2025 at 10:00

Delivered online. You must attend all the sessions.

Online sessions include usual breaks. Course link(s) are auto-sent from [email protected] a few days in advance of delivery. Full instructions and course handouts will also be sent in advance.

Please note you will be expected to use your camera and display your name on all training. If unable to comply, please ensure the trainer understands why and notes your name and authority for recording attendance.

8 spaces remaining

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